Friday, April 24, 2020

Paper Topics on the South China Sea Dispute

Paper Topics on the South China Sea DisputeA lot of Paper topics on foreign affairs, China and the South China Sea dispute has been going around the net. Lots of discussion forums and discussion boards have published this paper topic over the web. This is a paper topic that has gone viral and many people have seen and have read this topic through the net.It is really difficult to believe that a major political and military power like China would not be very interested in defending its territorial claims or claim that the South China Sea is Chinese territory. However, China may have crossed the boundary when it was found that Japan had not extended any claims for the same. Japanese are actually concerned about the territorial issue as well and they are looking for China to give up its claim.This is one paper topic, which has been criticized by the government of China. The government of China has denied that their ship made the wrong moves. One has to wait for facts to emerge to come t o any conclusion. Until then, it is expected that there will be a lot of discussions within the international community.While China is doing so well in terms of economy and military, it is also having difficulty making its way in the world due to disputes. The United States and the European Union have suggested China to make some good steps so that the relationship with the world will improve. The relationship has never been so bad. The question will arise as to whether it will deteriorate further.It will be very difficult for China to put down the same issues in the dispute with its neighbor; Taiwan. It will become a part of China as well and if Taiwan decides to make things worse, it will be very difficult for China to do anything about it. Even China will not be able to help it.If the United States and the EU ever say something about it, the whole world will call China a trouble maker and the country will be insulted. In order to stop the tensions, it will be better if China and Japan sit down to talk about the territorial issue between the two countries. After talking about it, they should work together and find ways to settle the issue. Until then, the United States will continue to criticize China and the whole world will pay attention to the China-Japan issue.If Japan goes too far and makes things worse than before, it will be a problem for China as well. The Japanese have not shown respect for the Chinese at all. While China has been angry that Japan did this, the Chinese have been focusing on bigger issues and have ignored the territorial issue.With tensions, the United States and the European Union are going to make it clear to China that it does not mean a thing if it takes up another island. There has to be a certain level of respect from the countries involved. The island that Japan has taken up has a lot of resources which China cannot hold back. If China will take up another island, it will become a big problem for China and Japan will think twi ce before they take things up to far.

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