Friday, December 20, 2019

The Great Depression Of The 1930s - 925 Words

The assigned readings offered an interesting and complex view of some of the diverse groups of people who were marginalized in California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The primary sources shared detailed information on how Mexicans, Filipinos, and White Americas experienced hostility and inequality in California. In Resistance, Radicalism, and Repression on the Oxnard Plain, Frank Barajas discusses how beet sugar growers on the Oxnard Plain cut the wages of Mexican laborers working in their fields. This ignited an uproar and began a strike movement among the betaberleros (sugar beet workers), who felt it was an injustice to lower wages and face discrimination just because they were minorities (Barajaos, 29-51). As commotion was occurring within the Oxnard Plain of California, conflict between the residents of the agricultural community of Watsonville and the Filipino farm labor community emerged. Many Watsonville residents showed a strong anti-Filipino sentiment, as well as social and sexual stereotyping of Filipinos (Witt, 293). This tension between Watsonville residents and Filipinos sparked the Watsonville Riot of 1930 (Witt, 299-300). While Mexicans and Filipinos faced hostility in California, surprisingly, so did many white migrants. In Mark Wild’s If You Ain t Got that Do-Re-Mi, he shared the hostility many white citizens faced when they migrated to California during the depression. Many powerful and wealthy Californian authorities and officials from LosShow MoreRelatedThe Great Depression Of The 1930s999 Words   |  4 PagesThe Great Depression of the 1930s is notably one of the greatest crises of American history. During this time frame the American economy collapsed in great part because of factors such as the existence of massive wealth inequality, the dust bowl that started in the Great Plains, and the rampant business speculation of the 1920’s. These factors helped turn an awful economic depression into what would be called an all-out social crisis. Bread lines and soup kitchens became a common occurrence in AmericanRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930s Essay1689 Words   |  7 Pages Global Crisis of 2008 in Comparison to the Great Depression of the 1930s Introduction The economic crisis’ of the 1930s and 2000s greatly impacted the United Sates (U.S) and the world. The Great Depression and Global Crisis were both major economic crisis’s the originated in the United States and spread to foreign markets around the world. The Great Depression is regarded as the biggest economic downturn, due to many factors like the stock market crash. The Global Crisis on the other hand, was aRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930s885 Words   |  4 Pagesabout the Great Depression of the 1930s? Give examples of the differences between the relief policies of F.D.R. and Hoover. Describe the opponents of F.D.R.’s relief policies, and how he did more to expand executive power than any other President in American history. Also take the time to explain other significant events and issues that took place in the U.S. during this time which made the depression seem even bleaker. GREAT DEPRESSION Some factors that brought about the Great Depression of the 1930sRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930s2131 Words   |  9 PagesThe Great Depression of the 1930s undoubtedly marked a period of massive change and devastation throughout the entire nation. People of all backgrounds were plagued by destitution and insufferable living conditions, while unemployment rates had soared beginning with Black Tuesday, to the point where the public had begun to lose hope for the future. In enduring all of the instances of negative change, the people, whether of white or black heritage, whether rich or poor, had all shared one set of characteristicsRead MoreThe Great Depression Of 19301805 Words   |  8 PagesDepression of 1930 The Great Depression of 1930 molded the American culture and the political life of our nation. Due to its pivotal role in the formation of our economic system. Today I will provide an inside depth of the Causes and Effects of the Great Depression and will focus on the results and outcomes that resulted in this event that would change the lives of many in this time period of despair and of devastation. To begin in the 1920s it was a time of prosperity in lives of many as the economyRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930s1844 Words   |  8 PagesIt is common knowledge that the 1930s was the time of the worst economic downturn the world has ever seen. The Great Depression, which lasted for ten years, facilitated discontent among various ethnic groups, genders and occupations. Perhaps the most significant fallout from the Wall Street Crash in 1929 was the economic migration of itinerant workers to California – the state of the Steinbeck’s birth – as a result of harsh geographical conditions in the region of the United States known as the ‘DustRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930 S1476 Words   |  6 Pagesthe great depression of the 1930’s and the great recession in the United State of America. First, I’ll make a general overview of each of these two different periods and then focus on certain specific aspects during these different times. This will include the causes to the economic recessions witnessed, impacts of the economic recessions and the solutions that were introduced. When talking about any topic regarding American history, it would be hard not to mention the 1930’s great depression. AuthorsRead MoreCauses Of Great Depression Of The 1930s1173 Words   |  5 Pages Causes of the Great Depression Khalid Mohamed 500710091 DR. M. Jolly ECN 220: Evolution Of Global Economy â€Å"Analyze the causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Do you feel that this was caused primarily by weaknesses in the economy of the United States or by structural weaknesses in the international economy?† The Great Depression The Great Depression, was a phenomenal incident that was caused by multiple factors, it is considered one of the most tragic downfalls inRead More The Great Depression of the 1930s in Canada1305 Words   |  6 PagesThe Great Depression of the 1930s in Canada The Great Depression of the 1930s is a benchmark for all depressions and recessions in the past and in the future. In the booklet The Great Depression of the 1930s in Canada , Michiel Horn gives an intellectual dissection of the events that occurred during the Great Depression. Michiel Horns approach leaves the reader with a foul taste for the Dirty Thirties. This essay will summarize Michiel Horns key points as well as discuss the ability ofRead MoreThe Great Depression Of The 1930 S Essay762 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Maynard Keynes was the most influential economist of the 1900’s and many of his ideas were adopted by Franklin D. Roosevelt to combat the Great Depression of the 1930’s. With the passing of the economic crisis in 2008, countless articles have been published supporting Keynes and his economic thought. He investigated the origins of the Great Depression and remodeled the field of economics with a basic conclusion: economies recover from downturns by sp ending money. Keynes theorized that during

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Population Dynamics Sample Essay Example For Students

Population Dynamics Sample Essay The universe has changed greatly since the 1960s and 1970s. when there existed a practical consensus among Western experts that rapid population growing in the underdeveloped universe represented a serious planetary crisis. One of the primary causes of environmental debasement in a state could be attributed to rapid growing of population. which adversely affects the natural resources and environment. The uprising population and the environmental impairment face the challenge of sustainable development. The being or the absence of favourable natural resources can ease or retard the procedure of socio-economic development. The three basic demographic factors of births ( birthrate ) . deceases ( mortality ) and human migration ( migration ) and in-migration ( population traveling into a state produces higher population ) produce alterations in population size. composing. distribution and these alterations raise a figure of of import inquiries of cause and consequence. Population growing and economic development are lending to many serious environmental catastrophes in India. These include heavy force per unit area on land. land debasement. woods. home ground devastation and loss of biodiversity. Changing ingestion form has led to lifting demand for energy. The concluding results of this are air pollution. planetary heating. clime alteration. H2O scarceness and H2O pollution. The rapid turning population and economic development is taking to a figure of environmental issues in India because of the uncontrolled growing of urbanisation and industrialisation. enlargement and monolithic intensification of agribusiness. and the devastation of woods. Major environmental issues are forest and agricultural debasement of land. resource depletion ( H2O. mineral. forest. sand. stones etc. ) . environmental debasement. public wellness. loss of biodiversity. loss of resiliency in ecosystems. support security for the hapless. The addition of population has been be givening towards dismaying state of affairs. Population Reference Bureau estimated the 6. 14 billion world’s population in mid 2001. Contribution of India entirely to this population was estimated to be 1033 1000000s. It is estimated that the country’s population will increase to 1. 26 billion by the twelvemonth 2016. The jutting population indicates that India will be a first most thickly settled state in the universe and China will be 2nd in 2050. India holding 18 % of the world’s population on 2. 4 % of world’s entire country has greatly increased the force per unit area on its natural resources. Water shortages. dirt exhaustion and eroding. deforestation. air and H2O pollution afflicts many countries. If the universe population continues to multiply. the impact on environment could be lay waste toing. The rapid population growing in a underdeveloped state like India are scaring the environment through the enlargement and intensification of agribusiness. the uncontrolled growing of urbanisation an d industrialisation and the devastation of natural home grounds. The force per unit areas on the environment intensify every twenty-four hours as the population grows. The turning tendencies of population and attendant demand for nutrient. energy. and lodging have well altered land-use patterns and badly degraded India’s forest vis-a-vis environment besides. The turning population put huge force per unit area on land extensification at cost of woods and croping lands because the demand of nutrient could non increase well to population. Therefore. horizontal extension of land has fewer Scopess and relies largely on perpendicular betterment that is supported by proficient development in the field of agribusiness i. e. HYV seeds. Fertilizers. Pesticides. Herbicides. and agricultural implements. All these patterns cause debasement and depletion of environment with multiplying ratio. Poverty is amongst the effects of population growing and its life manner drama major function in consuming the environment either its fuel demands for cookery or for gaining support for their endurance. The unequal distribution of resources and limited chances cause push and pull factor for people populating below poorness line that in bend overburdened the population denseness and environment get manipulated by manifolds. Population Dynamicss Population kineticss is the subdivision of life scientific disciplines that surveies short-run and long-run alterations in the size and age composing of populations. and the biological and environmental procedures act uponing those alterations. Population kineticss trades with the manner populations are affected by birth and decease rates. and by in-migration and out-migration. and surveies subjects such as ageing populations or population diminution. One common mathematical theoretical account for population kineticss is the exponential growing theoretical account. With the exponential theoretical account. the rate of alteration of any given population is relative to the already bing population. How do populations turn?1. Exponential Growth* Optimum environmental conditions required* Constant rate of growing per unit clip 2. Logistic Growth* Most dad. turn exponentially so decelerate as they reach the CC.* Environmental resistance- factors that cut down population growing rates*Produces S-curve on graph Factors that Increase or Decrease Populations:* Natality- doing new progeny by birth. hatching. sprouting or cloning* Fecundity- physical ability to reproduce* Fertility- step of existent figure of offspring produced. Those without kids may be fecund but non fertile.* Immigration- Movement of members into a population.* Emigration-Movement of members out of a population* Mortality- decease rate-Determined by spliting the figure of beings that die in a certain clip period by the figure alive at the beginning of the period. Types of Age Structure Diagrams:Expanding Population* Young ( pre-reproductive ) dominates population* Has population momentum- more kids will travel up to go generative* Potential for rapid addition in birth rates one time the childs reach generative age.* EX: Developing countries- many states in Africa Stable Populations* Birth rates = decease rates* All age groups are about equal* EX: Most Western European states. U. S. Worsening Populations* Birth rates are lower than decease rates* Many more aged people who are non reproducing* Population will go much smaller when they die. Demographic Change The universe experienced dramatic population growing during the 20th century. with the figure of dwellers duplicating from 3 to 6 billion between 1960 and 2000. India. excessively. saw really rapid population growing during this period – from 448 million to 1. 04 billion – and to 1. 21 billion in 2010. The effects of past and jutting hereafter demographic alteration on economic growing in India is the chief focal point of this chapter. Figure 1 plots universe population from 1950 to 2050. and shows the portion of universe population attributable to India ; post-2010 informations are United Nations ( UN ) projections. John Steinbeck (811 words) Essay5. Continuous decline of per capita wood land and agricultural land The population growing has resulted in a downward tendency in per capita handiness of wood and agricultural land since the 1950s. Per capita handiness of woods in India is much lower than the universe norm. The per capita handiness of forest land declined from 0. 124 hectares from 1960-61 to 0. 071 hectares in 1998-99 – a degree that is highly low compared to the universe criterions. The growing of population is expected to be faster than hoped for betterments in forest screen every bit good as quality. Over the last 10 old ages. despite governmental enterprises of joint forest direction. tree grower’s co-operative motions and other attempts touchable consequences are still to be observed. and forest depletion and debasement is still increasing. Similarly. the per capita handiness of agricultural land in rural countries has diminution systematically from 0. 638 hectare in 1950-51 to 0. 271 hectare in 1998-99 and is expected to worsen farther as population continues to turn. 6. Altered ingestion forms The economic and industrial development is necessarily accompanied by altering forms of ingestion. The figure of registered motor vehicles in India provides one utile index of spread outing ingestion and economic growing. The increasing vehicles in state. bring forthing more air pollution. fuel ingestion. traffic jams and demands for route construction-often at the cost of agricultural land. The entire figure of registered vehicles in India has increased from 3 million in 1950-51 to 55 million in 2001-2002. The major portion is contributed by metropolitan metropoliss in all registered vehicles in the state. The population of India in 2000 was merely over 1 billion. and there were about 10 motor vehicles for every 1000 people. or a sum of approximately 10 million motor vehicles in the state. In 2020. the population of India will be approximately 1. 3 billion. and there will be about 44 motor vehicles for every 1000 people. doing a sum of 57 million vehicles ( Energy Information Administration. 2001 ) . An addition in vehicular pollution is associated with a figure of environmental jobs like air pollution and planetary heating. In most urban countries of India. air pollution has worsened due to traffic congestion. hapless lodging. hapless sanitation and drainage and refuse accretion. 7. Gradually Escalating demand for energy The environmental effects due to increasing ingestion degrees of fuels like coal ; lignite. oil and atomic etc. are of turning concern to assorted research workers. The burning of these fuels in industries has been a major beginning of pollution. The production of coal and brown coal has increased from 32. 2 million dozenss in 1950-51 to 313. 70 million dozenss in 2000-2001. an addition of 9. 74 times. The production of crude oil merchandises registered an addition of 29 times. from 3. 3 million dozenss in 1950-51 to 95. 6 million dozenss in 2000-2001. The majority of commercial energy comes from the combustion of fossil fuels viz. coal and brown coal in solid signifier. crude oil in liquid signifier and gas in gaseous signifier. In add-on to emanation of nursery gases. the combustion of fossil fuels has led to several ecological jobs and associated with wellness jobs like malignant neoplastic disease hazard. respiratory diseases and other wellness jobs. Burning of traditional fuel a dds a big sum of carbon-di-oxide into atmosphere and increases air pollution. 8. Land Water Resources. Water scarceness and H2O pollution Out of the entire replenishable land H2O ; about 84 per centum is made available for agribusiness and farm animal. the remainder 16 per centum is made available for domestic ingestion. industrial usage and power coevals. The sum of H2O available per individual has declined in recent decennaries chiefly because of population growing and H2O scarceness is projected to decline in the hereafter. The H2O pollution in India comes from three chief beginnings: domestic sewerage. industrial wastewaters and run off from activities such as agribusiness. The increasing river H2O pollution is the biggest menace to public wellness. The diseases normally caused due to contaminated H2O are cholera. diarrhoea. hepatitis. typhoid amoebic and bacillary. dysentery. guinea worm. whereas itchs. Hansens disease. trachoma and conjucvitis are some of the diseases associated with H2O scarceness. All these could be attributed to the quickly increasing population and deficiency of H2O resources. Inadequate entree to safe imbibing H2O and sanitation installations leads to higher infant mortality and enteric diseases. 9. Global warming ensuing clime alteration The country’s big population ensuing fast increasing energy usage plays an of import and turning function in planetary heating. Global heating can hold major physical. environmental and socioeconomic effects. which can be both positive and negative. The appraisal of these impacts is complex and marked with uncertainnesss. Climate alteration would do alterations in 14 precipitation forms. ocean circulation and marine systems. dirt wet. H2O handiness. and sea degree rise. These would do an impact on agribusiness. forestry and natural eco-systems like wetlands and piscaries. Besides with lifting temperatures. and subsequent increasing heat emphasis and alternation in forms of vector-borne diseases. the planetary population would be more vulnerable to wellness jobs. doing breaks in colony forms and large-scale migration. All these would hold important socio-economic effects. Decision The consequence of high population growing rates are increasing population denseness. increasing figure of people below poorness line and force per unit area on natural resources which contributes to environmental debasement through over development of natural resources. The survey reveals that rapid population growing continues to be a affair of concern for the state as it has manifold effects. most of import being land debasement and dirt eroding. deforestation and worsening per capita land. forest and H2O resources.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Management Of Engineering And Technology â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Management Of Engineering And Technology? Answer: Introducation Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology with the potential to be an essential part of the human environment and interaction in the near future. IoT can be defined in a technical way as the comprehensive network connecting the essential components around us to enable them to work together through sharing of the available human resources Management (Krishna Verma, 2016). A simpler definition looks at IoT as a concept that allows objects or devices around the human environment to communicate with each other in a cooperative manner through a special laid out schemes to achieve a common predefined goal (Takano Kajikawa, 2016). The rapid growth of IoT is attributed to the desire for smart homes that rely on an IoT framework. This framework is referred to as smart home if the environment utilizing it is at home. The report looks to explore the different smart home framework that might be developed from commonly used consumer products. Different sets/groups of smart home framewo rks will be explored, the issues that might emerge from them, the advantages that might be experienced and the disadvantages of the setup. In addition, an explanation of why IoT is essential and its growth will be described. Figures may be used to demonstrate the different sets that will be explained. IoT Consumerism As stated earlier, there has been a rapid interest to the application of IoT. The desired application of IoT in homes, academics, medicine, and the government has led to it to be an emerging technology (Takano Kajikawa, 2016). However, the biggest share of application is in homes, the trend of IoT in personal and social life is largely attributed to the desire to automate processes around us in a smart way which brings with it three desirable parameters; comfort, management and security (Celtek, Durgun Soy, 2017). The precision brought about by devices when controlling and managing our environment as well plays a big role in energy saving. For instance, having an automated system that will warm when cold and shut when hot, psychology up when dark and off when not and so on ensures that no unnecessary energy is lost. Studies have also shown that homes with automated systems pay lesser bills than those that control energy flow manually (Ray, 2015). As a result of these factors and ma ny others, IoT consumerism is becoming a trending technology. FRAMEWORK OF IoT The framework consists of a number of components connected in a design that suits a specific home depending on the number of devices to be connected and the complexity of the connection. These components are held together to form a ring that delivers the basic concept of Interaction, Things, Process, and Data (ITPD) which provides the power to fuel the IoT process (Ray, 2015). Fig. 1 below shows an ITPD ring with all the components that provide enhancement over the functioning of the IoT. A 6Cs verdict consisting of Convergence in the system, Connectivity and Communication among the different components, Collection of Content and Computing are used to gauge the efficacy of the entire system (Ray, 2015). The core IoT system is surrounded by a number of interactivity between different high-level factors. These factors are IoT platforms such as e-government, a vertical application such as those used at home, technologies such as the entire smart system, infrastructure systems such as th e mobile phones used, network topologies such as the wireless LAN to be used and foundation enablers such as cloud computing (Ray, 2015). Device Components for the IoT Any gadget in the house that has a connectivity possibility is suitable for an Internet of Things network. Many modern consumer appliances have the ability to connect to network models like the LAN. The simulation in this report will consist of a central server that will function as a monitor and a controller for all the other devices that will be connected. The other devices will include a smart refrigerator, biometric security sensors, windows and smart air conditioners, an indoor lighting circuit controller, a smart television, motion sensors, smartphone, and thermostats. The server The server facilitates the coordination between the different components of the system and the database. The server plays a vital role in providing access and encrypting of information to ensure unauthorized access are barred. Request and configuration messages from the smartphone go through the server before they are forwarded the other components of the system. Smart Refrigerator The smart refrigerator stores food and keeps track of its freshness by monitoring the temperature of the environment in the refrigerator. A camera is embedded inside the refrigerator that sends occasional data to the users smartphone. Data such as the status of the temperature of the environment is sent to the smartphone. In addition, alerts can also be sent in case of authorized access to the refrigerator. Smart Television The smart television is connected to the server and the internet. Request such as playback, pause, switching off and program schedule can be sent via the smartphone to the smart television through the server. Windows and Smart Air Conditioners Air conditioners are controlled through requests sent by the smartphone through the server. Adjustment of their conditioner can be regulated by setting an automated temperature regulated operation using the smartphone. In addition, motion sensors use infrared to detect the presence and absence of people in the house hence facilitating automatic switch on/off whenever necessary. The smartphone is also used to control the movement of chromatic filters on the outer layer of the windows to control the amount of sunlight coming into the house (Krishna Verma, 2016). The Lighting System The lighting system consists of a number of light bulbs. The bulbs have a smart component that allows them to vary the amount of light depending on the weather and daytime. The smartphone is used to send a request to control the switching of on and off of the lights as desirable by the user. Smart Thermostat The thermostat controls the temperature. The thermostat controls the operation of the air conditioner. It ensures that the AC is operating at the optimal temperature by constantly comparing the temperature within and without the house. The thermostat is as well connected to the motion sensor to monitor the presence and the absence of people in the house. In the case, there are no people in the house the power consuming gadgets are switched to low power mode. Smart Phone Used by the occupants to send requests to the server for services from the system. Users of the smartphone are verified through a number of methods including a pin, biometric and password. The smartphone provides the user with the ability to control who can access the system. The activity of the smartphone is consistently monitored by the central server. Biometric Security System This component facilitates the addition and removal of users from the server. The alteration of security features of the servers as well is facilitated through this component. The main security component is interconnected with all the external security door which is fitted with a camera for monitoring of the external environment. The component is in a constant interaction with the server to record all the transaction that determine the status of the entire system. Fig 2. Below shows a deployment of an IoT Although the IoT system is a great system is a desirable system to automate the connection between the different appliances within the household, there are many factors that may prove a challenge to the users of IoT. Some of these challenges come as a result of trying to balance between load distribution between the different aspects of the infrastructure laid out. For instance, features such as security, controlling, connectivity and privacy are challenges that arise as a result of executing a crucial process within the system. The following is a detailed analysis of the various challenges that may be experienced during the usage or implementation of the system Security Security is a major challenge during the execution of a smart home IoT framework due to several reasons. One of these is because of the difference in the design of the different devices on the same system. Since the different components of an IoT framework come from different manufacturers, there may be no consistency in the way in which the systems are designed and work. Therefore, there may be loopholes in some of the devices connected to the entire network which may act as an open port for the breach of the system. Ensuring that the devices connected to your server meet the required market standard of excellence is the first step towards battling the security challenge. In addition, using a firewall to protect the server from the other components may be a necessity to prevent potential breaches. Control An IoT is an automated system. Which means that the occupant may not have the possibility to manually control the movement of the processes. This may be necessary in the case where speed is required. A manual interference in the flow of the processes may disrupt the entire system leading to it malfunctioning. The issue is controlling can be solved by incorporating both manual and automation in the system. Allowing the utilization of both methods will; ensure that the most viable solution gets to be employed whenever necessary. Usage Automated systems may prove to be complex in the way they are operated. Although they may seem simple, they are at the same time sophisticated and may take time to learn how they work and how they are supposed to be maintained. A comprehensive guide can be published to help new occupants with the operation of the system as well as a regular technical inspection to be done to ensure the system works properly. Privacy The privacy of the system in part on the security of the system and largely on the information disseminated on the system. A tight security ensures that the privacy of the users of the system is guaranteed of their privacy. However, some cautious steps must be taken to ensure that the paramount privacy of the systems users is not breached. One of these steps is to minimize the amount of sensitive information passed on the system. For instance, the occupants might decide to have a separate smartphone that is specifically for the control of the system and different from the one used for communication. Another step is to only allow trusted people to control the system. This will limit the number of people accessing any sensitive information available on the system. Dynamism Another major important challenge is the dynamism of the various components of the system. For instance, software and hardware parts of the several components may be subjected to being outdated and waring off respectively. The software part of the components will need regular updates to ensure that the system operates on an up to date software while the hardware part will require to replacement which may mean coming in with a different software. Such challenges may lead to incompatibility issues. Providing a common platform, regular automated system updates might provide a solution to software update challenge. Conclusion Implementation of IoT is a complex process that comprises of several heterogeneous components that work together to deliver a common goal. This paper has explored the different aspects of the process, the components that form the framework that powers the IoT as well as the various major challenges that may face the framework during operation. This small simulation can be used as a simple model to facilitate the development of more complex system that includes the application of cloud and bigger databases and more components that are suitable to for big smart homes. Further research should be done to identify the various factors that would affect implementation of bigger and more complex system. References Celtek, S., Durgun, M., Soy, H. (2017). Internet of Things based smart home system design through wireless sensor/actuator networks.2017 2Nd International Conference On Accounting Information And Communication Technologies (AICT). Krishna, M., Verma, A. (2016). A framework of smart homes connected devices using Internet of Things.2016 2Nd International Conference On Contemporary Computing And Informatics (IC3I). Ray, P. (2015). Generic Internet of Things architecture for smart sports.2015 International Conference On Control, Instrumentation, Communication And Computational Technologies (ICCICCT). Reddy, N., Rajeshwari, K. (2016). Interactive clothes based on Internet of Things using NFC and mobile application.2016 Management And Innovation Technology International Conference (Miticon). Takano, Y., Kajikawa, Y. (2016). OppOrtunities and Potential of the Internet of Things for solving social issues.2016 Portland International Conference On Management Of Engineering And Technology (PICMET).